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6 Simple goals to put in your New Year's Resolution that aren't hard to achieve


Every new year, we are expected to have a grand list of goals that may seem almost impossible to achieve but are too easy to fail at. We may not even look at it after the first week of January, but I want to change that. I’m setting goals so easily and practically that I won’t have an excuse except for laziness not to do them. Let’s take a look at the 6 simple and practical goals I want to employ in 2023;

  1. Pray every morning.

I want to be more prayerful this year, so even if it's just a 10-second prayer to God before I start my day, as long as I start the day with him, I'm inspired by my family and friends, who seem to enjoy prayer and do their best to do it every day. My goal is to pray at least once in the morning until I am doing it as frequently as I eat food.

  1. Save 1 million Ugandan shillings.

This gal was actually given to me by my mum last year and I wish I had followed through but thankfully I have another 365 days to make good on this goal…maybe I will save even more than that. I don’t want to save 1 million to see the seven figures in my bank account but to practice proper money management by setting aside money that I can even use in times of emergency.

  1. Travel somewhere.

It could be a national park here in Uganda or even East Africa. Maybe I can be blessed to go as far as Asia. I just want to go somewhere i haven’t been, whether it is with my family or friends or alone, i want to be in a completely new environment and even see a different way of life?

  1. Have more pride in my work

I have always been shy about sharing my business and blog with others out of fear of judgment and hurtful criticism but I want to have more pride in what I am doing this year because I am doing what I love. I want to proudly boast of my blog and my businesses whether they are going viral or not. I want to be glad to be associated with my work.

  1. Perfect a foreign language

There’s this issue I have with learning a language but not learning it enough to be a fluent speaker and I realize it is my own handicap both personally and professionally. I was taught French in school but I am not as fluent as I should be so this year, I am going to learn a language…maybe luganda, until I become fluent in speaking it.

  1. Drink more water

Now I know I'm not the only one with this on their resolution but in our defense every beverage starts with water so we are technically still drinking water.  Jokes aside, my water drinking habits are severely lacking, to the point of me drinking only half a glass of water on a busy day. I was inspired by a friend who has a water bottle that helps her keep track of her daily water consumption. So inspired by her, I too, shall be purchasing a water bottle to track my daily consumption.

So this is what my 2023 is going to be about...i hope. what about you? what goals do you have for your new years' resolution? are your goals simple and attainable but still effecting change in your life? i hope my goals can help you figure out your own steps/plan to a happier life.

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