
Perfumes Category



I didn’t know what self-love was till I was about to finish high school. Frankly, if I did, there are probably some events that may have not happened in my life and some people who wouldn’t have known me. When I discovered self-love, I was at my most insecure. I was a 17-year-old girl going through puberty as well as the hostile social politics that come with being in high school. I remember looking at the mirror and wishing I looked completely different. I remember when I couldn’t look at the mirror without criticizing every single feature I found flawed. It didn’t help that at this age teenage boys just knew how to break a girl’s confidence with what they believed was ‘harmless banter and jokes’ but all it felt like were punches to my self-confidence. But the issue wasn’t the teenage boys, the issue was me connecting my value with what others thought of me…..even to this day, I get slightly stressed worrying about what people are thinking or saying about me. I had and still have to constantly remind myself that people’s opinion of me does not identify me and, anyway, people have their own problems to be thinking about little ole me.

Self-love to me is knowing my value and understanding that ONLY I determine how valuable I am. My value does not come from others but from how I see myself, how I choose to carry myself, and even what I tell myself internally and externally. Self-love to me is looking in the mirror and holding my bloated belly with a smile because I know it's natural and it’s NOT a flaw. Self-love, to me, is not letting the words said about me rule me or how I look at myself. Loving yourself is a constant journey that will never stop because like every human being, we will have our good days and our bad days. Nevertheless, I try to wake up every day and look at myself in the mirror with a smile and say to myself  “I’m beautiful and perfect as I am”……you should try it too.

If God says I am wonderfully and beautifully made then NO ONE should be able to tell me otherwise, right?

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