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10 things you should NOT being doing for your self-care routine

Today, everyone is taking their mental health seriously and consequently starting to prioritize self care by adding it into their daily routines. Gone are the days where people were criticized for choosing to take a day to recharge instead of working themselves dead. Nowadays, people can take a day off to reenergize without judgement because we are starting to understand that to do and be our best we need to feel our best. We can only feel our best when we have taken the time to take care of ourselves.

But with this new found love and awareness of our mental health.... are we not taking advantage of it? Are we really taking care of ourselves or using self care as an excuse for bad habits or unhealthy living? Are we simply following trends or actually doing things that help us?
That is why I want us to breakdown 10 things that are not self care so that we can actually practice self care and not just do it because it is trending.

 What is Self care?

Self care is how we as individuals live happy and whole lives by doing things that not only nourishes our bodies but our minds well.  According to WHO, Self care is “The ability of individuals, families and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a health-care provider”. Self care are the behaviors and habits we do that encourages us to live healthy lives.

Why you should practice Self care?

Self care is commonly misinterpreted as selfish or lazy behaviour but it is something that actually can benefit the people around you and makes you more productive as a human being. From the physical body to the mind, practicing self care should be a part of your daily routine because;
  • Self care helps you become more productive
When you take time to rest and energize yourself, you are more likely to experience more productiveness in their work life. Activities like exercising  may take energy to do in that moment but will reflect in your work day as energy to be able to accomplish all your daily goals. 

  • Self care can help you manage stress
Stress is a part of everyone's daily lives whether it comes from school, work or home. Stress can not be avoided but it can be managed and self care can help you manage it. Whether it's taking a bath or listening to your favorited songs, those activities can relax your mind and your body putting you in a health state of mind.

  • Self care strengthens bonds
Some people find peace in taking to a loved one and spending time with them. It could be your family, partner or best friend, whoever it is, they make you happy and choosing to actively spend time with  them can strengthen your relationship. It shows them they matter to you and will consequently be encouraged to put as much effort as you.

What you shouldn't be doing for your self-care?

Knowing what self care can do for your mind and body, we should also be aware of what we should not be doing for your self care. In this day and age of information, it is very easy for misinformation about what proper self care entails to be spread. So let's break those misconceptions about what self care entails;
  • Retail therapy should not mean bankruptcy or debt.
Taking the time to spoil yourself with new clothes or a spa day is not a bad thing till it becomes an unmanageable expense that runs you into debt. Spoil yourself within your limits, do not go for lavish experiences that you can not afford.
  • Going extra does not mean better
Self care doe not have to be some extraordinary experience or activity, it can be as simple as getting an 8 hour sleep or having a balanced diet or going for a brisk walk. Self care is the simple things you should be doing regularly to maintain a healthy lifestyle.    
  • Its not about the latest trend 
Sometimes we get swooped up in all the latest trends being pushed on social media and TV like using bath bombs for more fragrant and soothing baths or using melatonin to get better and longer sleep. But you don't have to do what everyone else is doing, some of these trends are merely done to sell products rather than actually help so just do what is right for you.
  • It's not an excuse for laziness
Self care has become synonymous with laziness because some people use it as a reason to slack off work and be unproductive. With the heightened awareness of mental health in today's society, employees are being awarded mental health breaks and some have used that to guilt their superiors into allowing them to slack off. But self care is not meant to encourage lazy living rather its meant to make you more productive enough to do your work in an organized and quick way so that you can relax more.
  • Inconsistency won't make it useful
Self care should be a regular habit so by being consistent in your self care routine, you are working towards a healthier life. Put it into your personal schedule to do at least one self care activity once or twice a week. It can be going for a swim once or twice or it can be watching your favorite series or movie with friends once a week. As long as you work towards doing it regularly for your own benefit.
  • People pleasing will get you nowhere
Sometimes you sacrifice your self care for the benefit of others and tell yourself it is better that way, it is not.  To help others, you have to help yourself first, you can not be pouring into others when you are empty. Refill your cup by taking time to practice a bit of self care so that you can not only help others but yourself as well.
  • Mean girls are so last season
Prioritizing yourself does not mean being selfish .Self care essentially is meant to encourage you to prioritize your needs and help others.  Rather than turning your back on those around you, set boundaries regarding your self care maybe by notifying them not to disturb you on your self care days.
  • I ain't ever lost cause of learning
Self care is about relaxing AND learning; learning about yourself, learning about others, learning about a new skill or hobby. Learning is unavoidable and in fact evokes growth within you because you become more aware of yourself and your surroundings. Accept learning as a by product of self care and at times the objective of it all.
  • Spice it up once in a while
Refreshing your mind and body may need you to try something you have never done before. Trying anew hobby or skill that you have never tried before can be an exhilarating experience for you. It will not only create a life long memory but also help define what works best for you.
  • Why are you ashamed?
Maybe what you do for your self care is a bit outer worldly or quirky, unlike what most people do to take care of themselves but that is what works for you. Regardless of the set societal norms, you should do what makes you feel better not only physically but mentally as well.

Self care is something we as humans should embrace as part of our regular routines so that we can have healthy lifestyles. It starts with you being serious about it and taking time to make it a regular habit.

Let me know what you think and hat your favorite self care activity is in the comments.

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